Back story

A few weeks ago, I got the opportunity to attend a live podcast taping of Amy Brown’s 4 Things with Amy Brown podcast. For those of you who don’t know, I am a big Bobby Bones Show fan. Amy is the co-host. She has created her own podcast that I highly recommend! When I found out she was coming to Nashville, I knew I had to go! I immediately texted my best friend who is also a huge fan, and we decided to get tickets.

When the tickets went on sale, they were selling out left and right. Long story short, I ended up getting tickets in the main audience, and then later got VIP meet and greet tickets when she released another showing that same day. We were pumped. Unfortunately, my friend called me two nights before the show. She told me that she was unable to come due to a death in the family. We were both disappointed, however something really cool came from it!

God’s Orchestration

After my friend’s phone call, I started to wonder who would go with me. She still paid for her ticket, and just wanted to bring joy and bless someone with the opportunity to go since she couldn’t (she’s amazing like that!). I knew I would probably have a hard time finding someone to go with me, because not many of my friends know who Amy is, aside from me talking about her. At that moment I prayed that God would send me the perfect person to go with me. I prayed that whoever went with me would be blessed, and that whatever was said at the taping would be what they needed to hear.

I reached out to friend after friend. They all had prior commitments and were not able to attend. I was just about to give up and just go by myself until I started scrolling Facebook. One of my friend’s names jumped off of the screen at me. I absolutely adore this friend and was frustrated with myself for not thinking of her sooner! Even though I knew she would love it, I was hesitant to ask her to come with me, because I knew that she had a lot going on, and was just as busy as I was most weekends. Honestly, I was also dreading another let down, but something told me that I needed to text her. I went ahead and texted her and she said she would love to go she just had to double check a few things!

Luckily, she was able to go! We had the absolute best time, and had the best conversations. We both shared a lot, and the whole day was healing for both of us. She told me that it was exactly what she needed to hear, and that she was so thankful she got to come. Now, let me tell you the coolest part of it all.

Remember how I said that I had prayed for God to send the perfect person to go? A few days later, it was put on my heart to count just how many people I had asked to come with me. This friend was the 7th friend that I asked! Why is this important? In the Bible, 7 is the number of perfection and completion! God literally sent me the perfect person for the event! God truly orchestrated the whole thing, and I believe with all my heart that she was the 7th person I reached out to because of my prayer.

The Event

Click on the picture above to listen to the podcast! You won’t be disappointed!

The event was absolutely incredible! The theme was “You are Worthy.” I don’t want to give too much of it away, because I want you to listen to the whole thing for yourself (Click on the picture above). So, in 4 things with Amy Brown style, I will write the 4 main things that I took away from being there.

  1. Our brains are re-programmable! This is called neuroplasticity. The way it was described is like a cornfield. If we walk the same path through a cornfield every day, eventually we are going to be able to see the path we made. However, say we want to change our path. Day one of walking a new path, we will barely be able to see where the corn laid down. However, as days pass, the new path will become more apparent and the old path will grow back. Our self worth works the same way. For one reason or another, we often go through life thinking we are not worthy. We are afraid to try new things or even stop doing the things we love because we don’t feel “worthy enough.” If we want to feel worthy, which we all are, we have to tell ourselves that we are everyday. We cannot compare ourselves to those around us. Comparison is the thief of joy! Practicing having self worth is just like walking a new path in the cornfield. We have to practice it everyday until our old, negative self thoughts are gone (well for the most part anyways).
  2. One way we can practice having self worth is through the power of writing. Have you ever started to retell a story about a time you were mad or upset about something, and then part way through you realize how silly it was that you were even mad or upset in the first place? Writing can do that same thing for us- help us realize that the situation we are in, or the thoughts that we have are not normal, and sometimes dangerous, or are even “silly.” Through writing, we can also go back and see how God has worked in our lives, and how we have grown as a person. There are several prompts out there that can help us gain the self worth we deserve to have (I have linked some that I am going to start using below). Writing is very therapeutic. It’s one of the reasons I started this blog-even though there are already millions out there.
  3. Awareness awareness is powerful! For example, being aware of what triggers our anxieties can help us handle our anxiety by avoiding those triggers. Or, if those triggers are unavoidable, we can at least mentally prepare ourselves for when they occur. For example, confrontation of any kind is a huge anxiety trigger for me. Having that awareness allows me to find coping strategies for when confrontation does occur. When we avoid what gives us anxiety, it only makes the anxiety worse when those triggers appear. When we have the awareness of those triggers, and embrace them by confronting them, we all of the sudden start to not have as much anxiety about those things. We all of a sudden start to feel worthy enough to tackle anything life throws at us.
  4. We are all worthy! Yes….let me say it again for those in the back…..We are ALL worthy! Why is it that we look at someone who is doing something we want to do and think that they are worthy, but we are not? Our perception of ourselves is the only thing stopping us. When someone is being vulnerable and sharing a difficult time in their lives, or trying something new, we think that they are being brave, courageous, and strong. Why can’t we think that about ourselves? Because we are searching for our own self-worth! Instead of asking yourself “What if I fail?” ask yourself “What if I succeed?” I am a people pleaser. I want people to like me. However, what I think about myself is more important to my health! Nobody knows our lives better than ourselves. What people think about you is none of your business (I’m still working really hard on this one)! Live your life the way that it is best for you, and always tell yourself that you are worthy!

Click HERE for the self care journal prompts that I am going to start using! I have printed them and have them in the pocket of my journal.

I bought this journal to start using. It has a pocket that’s perfect for storing the printed prompts!

2 responses to “You Are Worthy”

  1. Jenny Haddock Avatar
    Jenny Haddock

    This is awesome. Thanks for sharing. I feel unworthy most days or not good enough. I am trying my best to live as God wants me too and not worry about things I can’t control. I love reading your post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Alyssa Khrystyne Avatar

      It’s so hard not to worry! I struggle with that too! 💖


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